Saturday, September 8, 2007

Touching base..........

This has been an eventful week. Work has kept me busy and music has kept me going. This is probably as close as i can get to a feeling of being normal. Life has been looking good recently. My parents are happy and they let me be (which I like). Work has been of the stimulating kind. I recently got in touch with a couple of my best friends. One from Oz n the other from closer here at home. It has been a good feeling to be able to touch base with them. The one from around here is a very special friend of mine. She is one amazing person who is recuperating at the moment. It has always been a pleasure to have friends like her, the kind that you are sure will have immense goodwill going for you. It kinda makes everything fall in place if not anything else. Its such friends who will help you outta tight situation. I can safely say that such friends form a very integral part of me n they are indeed my support system, my contingency plan. Its their love and affection that I thrive on............. I have been very picky about the friends I have but im glad that i did not miss out on the ones I have. Amen to that!!
Life in a way has been quite fufilling in the past week. I have had my dose of work with that pinch of entertainment thrown in for good measure. I have interacted quiet a lot with the people I love so i have no complaints. I dont know how long this is going to last but I sure am gonna enjoy all the while it does. as for the friends i talked about just one thing to say, "You guys rock my world ........ love you guys!!"

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