Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In Pursuit Of Moksh

The previous entry talked more about the crazier part ........ I'm hoping that this blog entry will balance the karma thing, you know ...... yin and yang....... equilibrium and all that. The craziness in the world around me has consumed me to an extent that I have taken up the thought of Moksh pretty seriously (yeah! right!). I'm still searching for the Bodhi tree though. At this critical time I turn to the one thing that gives me immense peace and a higher level of tranquility, which is music. Rock music isn't considered exactly to be the kind that people would listen to and meditate, but hey!! This is my way of finding Moksh. Its more like the Mick Jagger song-------
And I drove across the desert
I was in my four wheel drive
I was looking for the Buddha
And I saw Jesus Christ
He smiled and shrugged his shoulder
And lit a cigarette
Said jump for joy
Make some noise
Remember what I said
Hey joy
Love you bring
Oh joy
Make my heart sing
Oh joy
Joy in everything
Joy joy joy oh joy
Joy joy joy oh joy
So here's hoping that I find true Joy ........... more updates later .......... till then let me meditate
(P.S. I guess the Buddha haircut will enhance my image too ......... hmmmm....... maybe i should go and get one :))

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