Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Measure of Love...

Valentine's Day just passed by....supposedly a day to celebrate love. But let me ask this....If you truly love anyone, Isnt it a celebration in itself? Every single day? Love is basically an emotion......and emotions are very hard to define. Essentialy emotions are actually human perceptions of their feelings and their way of defining the bonds that they share. To me love transcends in all forms. Quite a few people that I love......& the ones I love are the ones i trust to stand by me through thick and thin. They say love has no boundaries. Love exists in many forms and extends to even the most inanimate objects. You love someone and cannot explain the extents of it because the main reason for love is a certain kind of attachment and the sentiments that they induce. Memories are such that they do not erase quick. They linger and prolong in even a subconcious inanimate state. There are certain memories that even i feel are forgotten....but they arent, As I said, they linger and all it takes is a certain occurance to trigger it. Life itself is made up of memories.....memories that make you stong......memories that make you smile. So what then is the true measure of love?.Well, the true measure of love is YOU......Its upto you.....upto me.....upto everyone of us to make a memory......a memory worth living.....a memory that inspires....a memory that bonds and binds us......that is the true measure of love. Make a difference to somebody's life......orchestrate a and then be loved by all. We have but one life to live.....make it worthwhile by loving. This blog is a dedication and moreso a tribute to all those instrumental in my best friends........ my family......everyone who has affected my life (which perhaps include everyone i know)....and also a certain sealephant that i adore.....
will be back with more soon....till then hastalavista baby... I'll leave you with a song from Bon Jovi's last released album called 'You gotta make a memory'

Hello again, it’s you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve life’s mysteries.
How’s your life, it’s been a while
God it’s good to see you smileI
see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave.
If you don’t know if you should stay
If you don’t say what’s on your mind
Baby just, breathe there’s no where else tonight we should be-
You wanna make a memory.
I dug up this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had
It’s bittersweet to hear you laugh
Your phone is ringing, I don’t wanna ask.
If you go now, I’ll understand
If you stay, hey, I got a plan
You wanna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You could sing a melody to me
And I could write a couple lines
You wanna make a memory.
If you don’t know if you should stay
And you don’t say what’s on your mind
Baby just, breathe there’s no where else tonight we should be-
You wanna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You could sing a melody to me
And I could write a couple lines
You wanna make a memory