Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Golden Knight Comes home........

Continuing from the previous blog......its still Oscar fever. A time to celebrate the wins. Moreso for us Indians as Slumdog Millionaire swept 8 of the 10 Oscar nominations. Three of these picked by our very own - two by A.R.Rahman and one by Resul Pookutty. Undoubtledly a time for celebrations and probably a long partying time. Its very good to know that finally Indian crative minds & technical geniuses are being acclaimed internationally. I can onlly imagine what it would feel like to receive an Oscar, an award that has been widely reputed and acknowledged as the pinnacle of succes in the entertainment industry. And to know that it has been received by two fellow Indians is a matter of much pride. Honestly, I hadnt heard of Resul Pookutty until this film was nominated for the BAFTA awards. He has worked on many acclaimed Indian films as sound technician. A.R. Rahman is known internationally and nationally as a creative genius that created many a beautiful melodies. His compositions are heard in many films and also his own solo ventures. One rendition of patriotic nature named Maa Tujhe Salaam is something of a common track played during most Independence and republic day celebrations. Most of his tunes invariably stays in the head. Thats his effect on the masses. This also includes a jingle tune for a popular Indian cellular network. An unassuming man, sweet and docile and quite respectful, A.R. Rahman's international acclaim is not trivial. Contrary to the humble persona that he carries, Rahman has performed live at Wembley Arena (a mecca for music lovers) and at the Royal Albert Hall as well as the Carnegie Hall (both the success stages for any musician). The Oscars he received are a cherry on the already illuminary carrer of his. The fact that both the winners from India came from a small background and made is big to this extent is the success story of our times. Irony lies in the fact that the movie for which they received the award was also about the main protagonist starting from the small slum and making it big in life eventually... Kudos to you Rahman and Resul...Take a bow.....you have arrived!......

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