Friday, November 28, 2008

One Wednesday Night.......

It all began on a wednesday..a wednesday night to be precise. Everything was normal & people were returning home after a long day's work. Some might have been tryin to unwind after the days work & put things in perspective. Thats when it all began. A handful of people brought havoc on the city of blinding lights by opening indiscriminate firing on innocent bystanders at different locations (mainly restaurants) throughout the city. Within hours, without warning or a shred of mercy, innocent people were brutally massacred and injured.They quite metaphorically shot the heart of the city that never sleeps. What ensued was a bloody trail of mayhem that was shed at two of the city's most prominent hotels. The city came to grips with thesituation as cops & enforcement battalions were deployed to fight fire with fire. When lives of innocent people are shed, it becomes evident by default that rational negotiation can only be of least possible help. I quote a photographer on tv to describe the sentiments. He said, 'These people had the audacity to barge into my home & take away innocent lives..all i want to see is them being killed before my eyes'. We still fight valiantly against the terror. It all began on one Wednesday night..

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