Friday, November 28, 2008

One Wednesday Night.......

It all began on a wednesday..a wednesday night to be precise. Everything was normal & people were returning home after a long day's work. Some might have been tryin to unwind after the days work & put things in perspective. Thats when it all began. A handful of people brought havoc on the city of blinding lights by opening indiscriminate firing on innocent bystanders at different locations (mainly restaurants) throughout the city. Within hours, without warning or a shred of mercy, innocent people were brutally massacred and injured.They quite metaphorically shot the heart of the city that never sleeps. What ensued was a bloody trail of mayhem that was shed at two of the city's most prominent hotels. The city came to grips with thesituation as cops & enforcement battalions were deployed to fight fire with fire. When lives of innocent people are shed, it becomes evident by default that rational negotiation can only be of least possible help. I quote a photographer on tv to describe the sentiments. He said, 'These people had the audacity to barge into my home & take away innocent lives..all i want to see is them being killed before my eyes'. We still fight valiantly against the terror. It all began on one Wednesday night..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Weirdness is me.....

Well..the previous blog entry was quite say the very least it was depressive. It was moreso since that was the actual state of my mind then..& to tell you the truth it felt better once i got done with that entry. Now that it's over I try to get back to my usual abnormal self..for one thing i wanna do something weird..which is why i'm writing this blog entry thru my cell hone..not actually the weird thing to do but i try to be resourceful & make do with whatever is at my disposal. You may find instances in this entry where I might use sms'in 'evr' & 'no1' & so on..kindly excuse them as i do get into that zone when i type on my phone. Also there would be a lotta typos & no para breaks..which is mainly because the phone screen is only so big..for one thing my thumbs are gonna be mighty time you see me, my thumbs would have its very own set of six-packs & bulgin purpose is accomplished since i did type in an awful lot using only my yay to that & i have to bid adieu..till the next entry..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Everything Fades......

I received a sound advice once from someone really close to me who said "Nothing stays forever"..... Of course this was in context to relationships and bonds that we have during our time here on the third rock from the sun (Yea Yea i know that it contradicts the DeBeers Tagline and philosophy....). At that point of time I had debated upon this ideology. Personally my view towards life is this....We have one life to live, so we better live for the in the moment....& live it such that there is no regrets...

Even though I agree with the part that nothing really does stay forever, I don't see the point in thinking about how things would change rather than trying to be happy with the way things are. Perhaps this can at some times be loosely associated with being indifferent because when things change some people do have the ability to remain unaffected by it or at least act so. Relationships break....people fade away....bonds vanish....its all a part of life really. This i have learnt in my very own life. Recent enough i have lost some people that have been close to my heart....bonds did break....& it was always painful .........especially when friends go away. But we always live on......we pick ourselves from scratch...... Whenever such incidents occur, it is mighty helpful to take a deep breath and imagine it to be purging your soul and starting life afresh. Change is measures the true nature of man.....we all know that what we have at the moment will not be what we would in the future.....perhaps we might just loose it all......but when we hit rock bottom it is in some sense the greater achievement cos no matter what you do from then on, you would have nothing to loose and everything to gain. The secret lies in letting go. Its not as easy as it me.....I have lost quite a lot in the past few years....but the more you loose the more instinctive you become....and in some sense it give you sense and strength to see past what is to what will be.

Nothing stays forever.....nothing ever one ever will.......but we all try nevertheless..... we all try harder.....Change is perhaps the greatest constant in life.....the only part that never changes in this universe is perhaps change itself. As my blog readers would have noticed, my blogs have some or the other relation to music or songs. and this one is no different......The title is Everything Fades by the Poets Of the Fall......I bid adieu with the following lines from the song....

Silly thoughts of small deeds
Everything that once answered to your needs
The thoughtless but kind
The caring but blind
Everything fades away

Everything fades away, come turning of the tide
For your love I'm sorry
For your pain, don't worry
Everything fades away
Everything fades away

Silhouettes, false leads
That which drew you, like a crow to glass beads
Secrets spied
Wishes sighed
Everything fades away

Everything fades away, come turning of the tide
For your love I'm sorry
For your pain, don't worry
Everything fades away

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We are one but not the same.......

Something has crept into my mind for the past few days which has kept me thinking.... To what extents can you go for the ones you love? and how far can you bend for them till you snap?..... Well these questions didnt arise out of nothing....obviously...... It comes from another thought which implored me to think about what would love really is.

I have very few whom i call worthy to be friends. Of them only two form the innermost circle of trust. Very recently one more got added to that circle of trust. To me, these three people are the core of everything i do. The bond i have with them is greater than anything i can ever experience. Perhaps that is what should matter to me. Still I somehow feel that something's amiss. Perhaps i am imagining things. Well coming back to the title of the blog, two of my closest friends are exactly similar to me. Well, sounds simple and common though. But what makes it all uncommon is the fact that they are exactly like me except for the fact that they are of an opposite sex. We eerily love the same stuff... to an extent that we know what's going on in the other's mind. This is perhaps where everything becomes blurred. When i asked if its possible to be friends in love this is what she (my closest friend) had to say "I place friends higher than love, because love comes and goes......friends are what stays forever....." I believe what she gave me was the true definition of love........ atleast that what i want to believe.

We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other