Thursday, March 27, 2008

Its an insane world.....

..... As I said in the previous blog, a lot has happened during the time that i have been away....for one thing, one of my bosses quit (not that its a big deal in the general way...). Its someone who i have closely worked with ever since the start of my career that quit..... so it did make a difference to me or atleast affected me in a small way if nothing. This guy has been a genius at what he does.....must have mentioned about him in my earlier blog.....if not then you will hear in this one. Thruout my academic life, I wouldnt have learnt much about design principals than what i learnt from this guy in a couple of years....It was he who taught me the way design works. I have related more to him as a mentor & as a close friend probably because we share almost same sense in music and partly to the fact that i'm jus as quirky as he is. It was probably his quirks in mind that led him to quit... but then as they say 'Everything happens for a reason'..........n it must have happened in this case for a damn good reason too.......But in the end I wouldnt bet that there would be much people whom i would meet in the future who can have a beautiful mind as his......

1 comment:

Self proclaimed Writer. said...

yea yea...anuthr o those things whr u cnt do nethn n all u cn say is "evrythn happns 4 d best"..damn......