Monday, March 31, 2008

Money Talks!!

A recurring topics in my daily activities for the past couple of weeks has been these two words....'Money Talks!!'.....I would be a banal bigot myself if i said this wer'nt true.....cos it is, no matter what ethics you follow, it all boils down to these two words. World by itself is as materialistic as it should be and getting moreso every day. No one person would do a single moment of work or any favor without having any personal interest in mind, more often than not, that personal interest being ....... you guessed right...... MONEY!!. When I started off with my career, it was all about learning and grasping design issues. Money didnt matter much as I was still studying and was without much other responsibilities (Trust me!!......with what i got paid, it really didnt matter as it woulf be over in a day anyway)
It has been over a good long 2 years that I have worked and now the time has come to take a stand about what weighs more......and It sure as hell is gonna be Money that will do the talking.....getting paid less also has the disadvantage that people will give leser importance to the work done by you and eventually taking you for granted.....More money would mean that the firm has invested as much in you and that you are as much an asset than a piggy-back liability....(For the uninitiated that would mean.......more moolah = more status)......So im on my way to forge a turning point for myself in my career and as they say ...... 'Show Me the Money!!!'

Past Present Future...........

I have started with this blog after reading a couple of blog entries by someone i found over the net. It was a mighty pleasurable read with really good insights and beautiful nostalgic moments. The author of the blogs talked about missing something and about the childhood memory of hers. Most of what she wrote about made sense to me. Something like 'It isnt the old days that we miss.....but the absence of those people in our present that we miss.' made utter sense to me in the most simplistic way. It also made me think about my own childhood. Even yesterday, My best friend and me were talking more about the same topic. About our school days.. our friends.... our crushes... the way we used to go to the local we tavelled to and fro from school. Its more like the 'Summer of 69' song (which i would also add that every Tom Dick Harry Shankar Ramesh & probably every rock wannabe has sung/ tried to sing & butchered the whole song to the whole song is a stereotype in itself...) I still remember the day i started cycling..... the days i spent playin out in the sun after school...getting drenched in the rains.....the scolding my mum used to give me old B/W tv that had 8 channels in it of which we had only 2...... the old tv serials (Hum Log, Buniyaad, Giant robot, Fireball XL5....... anyone?)..... my old telephone with the turn dials...... the old VCRs..... the casettes that we used to watch (Kindergarten Cop was a super duper hit thn n there was nothing more scarier than Evil Dead)....... The class picnics...... the family picnics......Vacations with cousins......Lots more there....
It also makes me appreciate the present that im living.... the kind of music that i listen to..... the friends that counsel me at work and at home....I cant crib about such stuff friends are the ones that make the present seem worthwhile..... so as I cherish the moment that i live in I appreciate the people around me and the stuff that makes me who I really am ever hoping that it continues into the future as in the past through the present...... Since I am in such a nostalgic mood, I leave you guys with the lyrics of a song that I have heard in my own childhood (sounded cool then ............sounds cool even now)...........more on this topic later (when all that I wrote just now become a part of my indelible past)

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
Big wheels keep on turning
Carry me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the Southland
I miss Alabamy once again And I think its a sin, yes
Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

In Birmingham they love the governor
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you
Here I come Alabama
Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
And they've been known to pick a song or two
Lord they get me off so much
They pick me up when I'm feeling blue
Now how about you?

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you
Sweet home Alabama
Oh sweet home baby
Where the skies are so blue
And the governor's true
Sweet Home Alabama
Lordy Lord, I'm coming home to you

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The return of the Easter Bunnies..........

It was Easter this past sunday.....n u know what that means.....BUNNIES!!.....having said that, the first thing that popped into my head was of Playboy bunnies celebrating Easter (C'mon....I'm human...n that would have been a kickass party dont you think?). But then this was an enjoyable easter (except for the fact that there was no way in hell that my bunny dreams would come true). So it was a major day for relaxation & chillin out.... n chillin out we did!!......crashing in at my best buddy's have sorta become my plan for such events. so we chilled together watching some comic shows n laughing our ass off......n ofcourse, we did have the sinfully delicious cake that his mom baked..(really delicious......really.....wonderful.....mmmmmmmmmmm), Oh well thats it for now, shall write in later......gotta rush 'cos the thought of the cake has made me salivate n give me hunger pangs....till later.....ciao

Its an insane world.....

..... As I said in the previous blog, a lot has happened during the time that i have been away....for one thing, one of my bosses quit (not that its a big deal in the general way...). Its someone who i have closely worked with ever since the start of my career that quit..... so it did make a difference to me or atleast affected me in a small way if nothing. This guy has been a genius at what he does.....must have mentioned about him in my earlier blog.....if not then you will hear in this one. Thruout my academic life, I wouldnt have learnt much about design principals than what i learnt from this guy in a couple of years....It was he who taught me the way design works. I have related more to him as a mentor & as a close friend probably because we share almost same sense in music and partly to the fact that i'm jus as quirky as he is. It was probably his quirks in mind that led him to quit... but then as they say 'Everything happens for a reason'..........n it must have happened in this case for a damn good reason too.......But in the end I wouldnt bet that there would be much people whom i would meet in the future who can have a beautiful mind as his......

Lost Highway.....

I am back again, by now loyalist of my blog would understand that my mind works on its own quirks & hence the irregularity of blog entries......but i assure that it will be a fun read when the updates come by (atleast for the one or two of you...heh!). You guys would have also figured out by now that music has been an integral part of me n more often than not you will find blog entries relating to song titles or some or the other relation to songs....though i thoroughly suck at makin up my own songs (If you didnt figure these out yet then..well...DOH!!)
This title refers to the song 'Lost Highway' by Bon Jovi. While as a band their music struck me as youthful adoloscent n even mushy (treading the thin line between rock n pop rock rather), this is perhaps one of the recent road songs or highway song that i like. The mention here is pretty much in relation to the road trip i had last month to the south. road trips are enjoyable than the train trips by a mile (i should me on this one). but the road trips with family would be a lot less fun considering the fact that they maintain serious log books of the trip and have a schedule for everything. this song was also featured on the OST-Wild Hogs, which is again about road trips. So thats the common realtion bit.
Mine was a good trip, as far as road trips go. Beaches, hills, valleys, mist, searing heat, chilling was all there. The drive was amazing...... amazing enough to forget the worries momentarily to be lost in the moment...... the true spirit of the Lost Highway. Makes much sense....
There has been a lot thats happend during my break from the blog entries... more on those in the successive blogs.... till then I leave you with the lyrics of Lost Highway.....See if you find the sense in it.....
"Lost Highway"
In my rearview mirror
My life is getting clearer
The sunset sighs and slowly disappears
These trinkets once were treasure
Life changes like the weather
You grow up, grow old or hit the road 'round here
So I drive, watching white lines passing by
With my plastic dashboard Jesus, waiting there to greet us
Hey, hey, I finally found my way
Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain't no brakes on the lost highway
Yeah I'm busting loose, I'm letting go
Out on this open road
It's independence day on this lost highwayI
don't know where I'm going
But I know where I've been
Now I'm afraid of going back again
So I drive, years and miles are flying by
And waiting there to great usIs my plastic dashboard Jesus
Oh patron saint of lonely souls
To tell this boy which way to go
Guide the car, you got the keys
Farewell to mediocrity
Kicking off the cruise-control
And turning up the radio
Got just enough religion
And a half tank of gas come on, let's go
I finally found my way
Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain't no brakes on the lost highway
Yeah I'm busting loose, I'm letting go
Out on this open road
It's independence day on this lost highway