Friday, February 8, 2008

Eternal Chaos............

January 2008......first month (obviously of the New Year)....It is believed that whatever we do on the first day of January is more or less what we are gonna end up doing thruout the whole year...exactly why I took leave from work, stayed home n slumbered blissfully. The events of the following days made me wanna kill the person who had come up with the idea of that belief.....with utmost long lingering pain. I got a heap load of work hat had deadlines in quick succession. I would have fared better if they just stood me up before a firing squad n riddled me with bullets without even blindfolding me. Chaos reigned and this was war......and by the looks of it i was surely the only casualty in it. Thats a bit ironical since i design hospitals and stuff.
Then i met someone who was a lotta fun to be with (weird oneliners n jokes galore), but as luck would have it there was a huge mess-up of sorts. This led to an argument with someone else and things messed up further. As of now, its a chaotic place in my head. My only solace lies in the fact that i have met a gal who is so much alike me. This should be promising given the fact that i am as crazy n weird as they come (n she mentioned a song that has stuck in my head.....the proverbial tune in my if any one knows how to get rid of this tune, let me know asap). Apart from the chaotic work n mind, nothing interesting has happened till now. Watch this space for more......

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