Monday, February 14, 2011

Reel Genius

I'm back (yes...this line has been officially rendered cliched on my blog with all the disappearing acts that I routinely put on). What have I been up to you ask? Well, as a close friend rightly pointed out...I have been busy watching a lot of movies and working strenuously on my assignments. The key word here is movies and that is the reason for this blog. while I do agree I have turned into an avid movie buff (at the risk of that being an understatement), I always manage to watch them with the standing excuse that it is all in the name of some creative stimulation. So this entry is to some of the movies that I have loved the most over the years purely on the visual brilliance and creative psych that the film is made with. I should probably start with the rightful choice of being one of the best movies of all times. This movie has been on the 1st position of the IMDB top 100 movies of all times for as long as I can remember. Its The Shawshank Redemption. This is one movie that always amazes me no matter how many times I see it. It is pure brilliance the way it is directed and the movie flows (n hey...its not just me....a billion other people agree with me..) this movie perhaps shows how someone used the system to beat the system... a cult favorite and the top of my list as well. Another movie that I can watch countless times is Transformers. The first in the series that keep enthralling audiences the  world over, this movie is perhaps what Michael Bay will be best remembered for. Steven Spielberg had said that Michael Bay was born to make this movie...and if he says so then who am I to refuse? :) 
Next in line is a couple of graphic novel adaptations. The first being Sin City. Its produced and directed by Frank Miller on his very own graphic novel by the same name. I think every one will agree when I say the cinematography is slick and breathtaking. All I could wonder was how did he manage to make a film that looks like the graphic novel had come to life. Another in the series is Frank Miller's 300. Dialogue, action and pure raw power is what this film delivers (add to that fact the use of extensive mind blowing CG.....and a lot of good looking macho men with six packs and weapons for all you ladies out there..). Another visual treat is an adaptation of the graphic novel V for Vendetta. Although the film lacks visual action that the previous two films delivered, what takes the cake is the beautiful dialogue delivery and the theatrics at its very best (trust me the dialogues itself will get u floored).
Final Fantasy series are a couple of animations that have taken my breath away. Its the first time I saw animations come anywhere close to real life rendering (all this way back in 2001 and of course the super cool Advent Children that was released in 2005)
Visual treats will be incomplete if I do not give credits to what is one of the most technologically advanced movies of our I'm not talking about Rajnikant in Robot...... but this is the pure genius of a man who had a vision that went over a decade in making....James Cameron's Avatar...Characterization, story and a whole movie in 'mind-blasting' 3D... this movie is the dope of everything awesome.
 I am sure there are many more which i can count in this creative genius category but shall refrain owing to the lack of print space (sic) and the fact that half the people who have read till this point have either dozed off or are yawning their way there.. But before i end this entry a movie that is a personal recommendation for must watch is a movie called special effects, no action....what is brilliant about this movie is that the director has managed to engage us with just one character in a 6X4 coffin buried in the ground...that is pretty much the plot...the location and the cast of this movie yet you shall be glued to this movie till the very end....pure brilliance i say!
That was my low down on the ingenious movies that I find appealing to my eyes and the grey matter to an this space for more banter on such topics....till then watch some more never know what might inspire you...

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