Saturday, February 13, 2010

Working Class Hero

What is our life if we cannot look up to someone or idolize someone? I presume it to be mundane and.....well....drab. Everyone needs a hero in their lives. And that would perhaps bring your attention to this blog title. No, I'm not gonna rant about the Greenday song (even though the title is inspired from them....go ahead...sue me). But I do want to write a lot about the hero in my life. This person didn't do any extraordinary feat. He didn't stop a runaway train...he didn't fly up and pulverize the doomsday comet that was on a collision course with earth (the Armageddon one)....nor did he ever have to fight with the crazed run-of-the-mill villains (or super villains....just so that i dont offend anyone who might read this blog :P). So what did this guy do? Well, He didn't do any of the awesome CG effect stuff...he didn't need to. He did the extraordinary in his own ordinary routine way.

He shouldered the responsibility of an entire family at a very young age. Normal, you say?...well, try managing an entire household of 6 within 100 bucks a month (with savings to spare). I assure you its not as easy as it seems. This man studied with a passion and worked with just as much passion, so much so that he was a pundit with the engineering jargon (even though he wasnt one...not out of choice but out of circumstances). He could teach you the working of machines to such intricacy with such fluidity that you could not help but soak it all in. He didnt stop there...he is one of the best people i know in finance and accounts. He can analyse your portfolio and come up with options that would make any CA worth his salt run for his money (no pun intended). It wasnt all about work. He had his priorities sorted (at my age, i dont even know what the hell i'm gonna do with my life). He always knew that family came first. Everything else can wait. Thats the principles he lives by. And prinicples are what defines a man.
It is said that a man is known by his virtue and virtue we attain through our character....and character and virtue is what superheroes have in abundance. but what happens when you come across an ordinary man who has been honest all his life...lived by the rules...always took on difficulties head on...loved everyone....has integrity...and is also a genius. I believe all that qualifies that person to be a hero and so it is.....heroes in our lives...hero in my working class hero...who is it, you might ask...for those who couldnt guess it by now....its my breathing real life hero. Still fighting odds...still loving all...
'What we are now is a result of the prayers of our not take it for granted' - Dad


Self proclaimed Writer. said...

the best,purest truest one uptil now :)
n yes,i knew who u were talkin about halfway through :D

chirpychiu said...

beautiful...i so relate 2 it...v touching.knew it hadta b yr dad when i read d title,cuz dats wat u alwaz call him "yr working class hero"...:)
"if What we are now, is a result of the prayers of our parents" den yr parents r definetly devout n pious wonder they were blessed with a kid as amazing as you.

Mirage said...

Truly awsem... cud make it out tht it must be ur dad... :)

Arun Jolly said...

Awesome post man !!..Too good !!
Keep them coming..