Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Just recently I received a mail from a friend detailing the lessons a 90 year old woman learnt in her life. She bulleted them as 45 learnings she had from the life so far. Taking a cue from that I am jotting down the stuff that I have learnt from life so far, Albeit too small a life to learn much, but this is my take on life....the lessons learnt and the experiences I've had....so here goes....
  1. Life is hard, Learn to crawl before you walk and run....but always progress such that in the end you would believe you can fly.
  2. Be true to yourself.....you can fool the world around you....but in the end you gotta live with yourself....so be truthful to yourself.
  3. Smile a lot....might be weird at times but it sure takes out misery from those around you.
  4. Love your parents....trust them immensely....they will be the only ones to stand by you when you're all alone.
  5. Honor every promise you make. It builds people's trust in you...no matter how immaterial the promise may be.
  6. Experience love. Once, twice, thrice.....heck!! even a million times.
  7. Once you love someone, be prepared for heartbreaks. Expect nothing from love except that it will all vanish one day..so love someone like never before....n pray for the courage to see you through the times when you loose it all.
  8. Believe in true friends. After your family, they will be the ones to see you through a dark night. Trust their words and actions, they know what is best for you.
  9. Its OK to be weird, eccentric and paranoid. Sure beats leading an uneventful life.
  10. Try to do things that you never did before, even if you totally suck at it......even at the risk of total humiliation. It takes sheer courage to make an ass of yourself in the public eye.
  11. Stand up for what is right in every walk of life.....There is such a thing as pure justice....so what is rightfully yours will always be yours.
  12. Dont try to be Superman by wearing undies over pants and a cape and jumping off tall objects. You will look stupid and the most you would get out of it is scraped elbows and a broken nose.
  13. While fighting, always punch in the nose first and then kick the balls... Opponent down in 3 seconds.
  14. If life gives you lemons, make lemonades.......but the trick lies in commercializing it and building a fortune and empire outta it. Easy life after that when you have people to worry for you.
  15. Experience hate. That will help you understand how much you love someone or something more.
  16. Never forget where you came from. In the end what you are now is because of what you were then.
  17. Its cool to have alter-egos.They are the voices in your head and they make any discussion seem even better. At last count I had four of them in my head.
  18. Work for something that interests you and something you believe in. Money will follow.
  19. Never loose out on an oppurtunity to be a part of anything. The most dreaded thing is to regret that in future thinking 'What if..........?'
  20. Respect your partner's wishes, even if that hurts you. The person will love you even more for doing that.
  21. Spend as much time with your family and friends. They are the ones you have lived for all this while. Make it worthwhile for them as well.
  22. No system is perfect. No human is either. Rebel against the system that you dont believe in.
  23. Every experience in life makes you a better person. What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. you will eventually be strong enough to challenge any hardship that life throws at you.
  24. Fear lies in your head....nothing can take you down....what stands between you and the glory of the world is only this fear.
  25. Once you reach rock bottom and have lost everything you loved and believed in, you have nothing left to loose and everything to gain. Make the most of it. The only way to go then is up!
  26. It is very important that you breathe. Two simple actions in a continuous perpetual cycle go a long way in enjoying life..so inhale......n dont forget to exhale!!
  27. Actions define the person you really are. So be justified in your actions.
  28. Never forgive those who betray you. They are not worthy of it.
  29. Emotions engulf you.....deal with it.
  30. Be loyal to those who stand by you. Ensure your support and usefulness when they need it the most.
  31. Cry a lot.....Grieve the pain within. Even tough men cry. It shows you have a heart thats still beating.
  32. Death is never the end......neither is breaking bonds.......It never ends there.
  33. Indulge yourself with the good, simple life. It will keep you happy....
  34. Celebrate everything in life.. Even your uncle's third cousin's best friend's wife's second cousin's daughter's birthday..
  35. Break away from the mould....Be different.....Get up.....get noticed...
  36. Watch movies.....I learnt more from cartoon and movies than i did from books and History Channel.
  37. Listen to music. Nothing will give you more pleasure...except perhaps the opposite sex.
  38. Gorge on food.....Anorexia and starvation will get you nowhere but to problems in life.
  39. Rush to the terrace and scream your heart out......wont get you anything or prove anything.....but sure is fun.
  40. Try your hands at cookin......burnt food never tasted better
  41. Let go of everything that holds you down.....Dead weight only helps you sink.
  42. Memories are what eventually remains forever.....Make ones that are worth living over n over.
  43. Happiness is a relative term......Be at peace with yourself.
  44. Family, Friends, Happiness, Love, Glory, Money, Power........always in that order.
  45. Dont envy the kid's life of eating, napping & crapping throughout the day......you would do it yet again after the age of 70.
  46. Get in touch with someone you completely forgot about.....Its a nice feeling.
  47. Fortune favors the brave and those who dare......so DARE...
  48. Never hurt a human so much that they cant pick themselves up.....Its a curse you wont wanna carry.
  49. Pain is a constant in life...It shows that there are much better things to look forward to.
  50. & Lastly, read a list and try to make one bigger than that yourself...

Till I write the next blog....Adios.


Self proclaimed Writer. said...

nice nice...looks lik some wisdom seeping in :)
bring the rain! ;)

Smita said...

Arun "baba" .. That was a really good one. Heartening to see you with feel-good posts again :)

And for my list.......I'll just borrow a couple from every list thats made.....have realised that everyone goes thru the same shit - only the type and timing is different :) Tee Hee :)

Keep writing!!!!

MiCrObEs said...

wow truly amazin.....