Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Rainman

It is quite an unpredictable weather, these rains. A moment ago it was perfectly sunny a day and then started a drizzle followed by a downpour. Not even a warning as such. And another amazing observation is that by the time you fidget in your bag and get the umbrella out the rain-shower stops. Just about enough rain to get you wet but keep your umbrella dry, it kinda defeats the purpose of having an umbrella doesnt it? (Its a divine conspiracy i tell you ........ someone is out to get us). Now if you even begin to think that this was bad, think again. What are we left with after the rains?? ........ The muck ofcourse. I love the weather, its just the muck and getting myself wet (especially if a meeting is due) that gets to me. The roads, the potholes and the open sewers are covered alike with murky waters, enticing unsuspecting pedestrians to step into it and get sucked into oblivion. And ofcourse the distant side-effect of the rains are the colds & flus that you get (courtesy the wet weather) that seems to take an eternity to get over with. They say that if the body catches a disease then our responsive WBC's try to create an antidote that will disarm the pathogens the next time they attack. Yet we somehow manage to catch the common cold everytime.
The only time I love the rains to the hilt is when im chilling at home with a cuppa coffee and watching some good flicks or listening to some great concert in the sweet and warm confines of my home .......... and yes bone-dry ofcourse. I shudder at the very thought of catching a local train in the morning, that too with a repentless shower of water droplets.
By now you must have realized that the title in no way compares me to the rainman or even me having a 'rainman syndrome'. For the uninitiated, the rainman syndrome or savants syndrome is an autistic condition with the slight difference that the person having this syndrome ends up with a very good memory, doing complex mathematical formulations within seconds or remembering the whole directory or even performing a whole piano concerto perfectly after hearing it being played only once.
That sets me thinking 'What is it like to have a photographic memory'. And almost instantly the answer comes to me in the form of a one-liner i read somewhere 'Everyone has a photographic memory, some just dont have the film.'
Its still raining out and it's mighty high time i got back to work ........ so enjoy the rains the way i do ........ staying indoors. On this note i sign off only to return later with some other piece of information that you would probably be better off without.

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