Friday, August 31, 2007

Do What You Want .........

So you were born in an electrical storm
took a bite out the sun
saw your future in a machine built for two
now your rays, make me kind of go crazy,
shocked and awe and amaze me
just a ticker tape parade and me
but something was wrong
till you tap danced on the air in the night
screaming at the top of your lungs, you said

Come on, come on
Do what you want
What could go wrong?
Oh come on come on come on, come on, do what you want
Oh come on come on
What could go wrong? Do do do do what you want
Come on

These are the lines from the song 'Do what you want' by a new band called 'OK Go'. a song that was introduced to me by my best buddy, now i just cant stop listening to it. It does have that catchy tune, very much like the song that you cant ever get outta your head. One of the best things about this song is the chorus. Very meaningful indeed. I mean........ just read those lines .......... its pretty much simple but the attitude of breaking free is overwhelming. Its not at all rebellious, but it still urges you to 'do what you want' very subtly enough.
I strongly feel that we are all slaves to our own devils. To hear a song like this at such a point in time surely is a very pleasant and warming change. For everyone who cribs against the system this is a real good song. Just do what you want and the change will occur on its own. For the real rebels at heart., turn into VH1 n do try to catch the song . till then ........ Do what you want.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Rainman

It is quite an unpredictable weather, these rains. A moment ago it was perfectly sunny a day and then started a drizzle followed by a downpour. Not even a warning as such. And another amazing observation is that by the time you fidget in your bag and get the umbrella out the rain-shower stops. Just about enough rain to get you wet but keep your umbrella dry, it kinda defeats the purpose of having an umbrella doesnt it? (Its a divine conspiracy i tell you ........ someone is out to get us). Now if you even begin to think that this was bad, think again. What are we left with after the rains?? ........ The muck ofcourse. I love the weather, its just the muck and getting myself wet (especially if a meeting is due) that gets to me. The roads, the potholes and the open sewers are covered alike with murky waters, enticing unsuspecting pedestrians to step into it and get sucked into oblivion. And ofcourse the distant side-effect of the rains are the colds & flus that you get (courtesy the wet weather) that seems to take an eternity to get over with. They say that if the body catches a disease then our responsive WBC's try to create an antidote that will disarm the pathogens the next time they attack. Yet we somehow manage to catch the common cold everytime.
The only time I love the rains to the hilt is when im chilling at home with a cuppa coffee and watching some good flicks or listening to some great concert in the sweet and warm confines of my home .......... and yes bone-dry ofcourse. I shudder at the very thought of catching a local train in the morning, that too with a repentless shower of water droplets.
By now you must have realized that the title in no way compares me to the rainman or even me having a 'rainman syndrome'. For the uninitiated, the rainman syndrome or savants syndrome is an autistic condition with the slight difference that the person having this syndrome ends up with a very good memory, doing complex mathematical formulations within seconds or remembering the whole directory or even performing a whole piano concerto perfectly after hearing it being played only once.
That sets me thinking 'What is it like to have a photographic memory'. And almost instantly the answer comes to me in the form of a one-liner i read somewhere 'Everyone has a photographic memory, some just dont have the film.'
Its still raining out and it's mighty high time i got back to work ........ so enjoy the rains the way i do ........ staying indoors. On this note i sign off only to return later with some other piece of information that you would probably be better off without.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Page One

Well ....... here I start off with my first blog i guess. The reason aint much ....... just wanted to write a blog (thats it ...... really!!). now that I have taken up the step of writing a blog ...... the next step inevitably means writing some meaningful content (and that my friend is a difficult predicament). Where do i start from?? ....... maybe from ground zero (a.k.a real-time). There is a lot going through my head at the moment though ........ work, music, creative arts and so on and so forth. Maybe the only part that is constant throughout from all this is probably music. For me music is not knowing one particular genre ...... or even expressing loyalty to one particular group, band or singer. its all about the feeling created within you thru the kind of music you hear. If you have to ask my kinda music then most probably the answer would be 'Rock'. Although that doesnt mean that im blissfully ignorant about the other genres of music. But there is something about this specific genre that just demands my attention.
Loathe me if you want to but there really is a very true sense of 'oneness' in Rock music. if you dont trust me on that ....... then watch any live Rock Concert......... the energy ....... the crowd chant ....... the wave ......... the rides ........ the effects .......... the madness. right from the point where the intro of a gig starts to the very end, all minds are focussed as one. Every single person in that arena, irrespective of their personal ability to sing or even perform, gets united in one voice, one spirit ...... and yes one mind (perhaps thats the closest you will ever get to the very definition of unity). But then you would probably argue that its the same with any other genre ....... but then again the energy that is seen in a rock concert is seen nowhere else. The lead may be dead tired and damn exhausted...... but when he hears the crowd chant the lyrics of the song ........ his energy is doubled ....... thats something you wont probably see anywhere else.
Why did I start talking about this you might ask ......... well the answer is pretty simple. music is an inevitable part of us .... it drowns your sorrows and expresses your feelings ........ what better depiction of emotions........ Music is one of the strongest weapons these days too. Look at the global messages sent across by the Live8 concert and more recently the Live Earth concert (and those were the biggest gigs on the planet mind you). This may be the first post on this topic, but surely not the last one by me. more comming up on this front. Till then i leave you with these lines of Nickelback................
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With her bleach blond hair
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar