Friday, January 7, 2011

Flavour of the Season..

Christmas and New Year's just passed by and that marked and end to my hibernation from blogging (not that i would start updating entries daily :P ). An expression on meeting friends and acquaintances after a long time in recent years is the remarkable 'What's up?' or 'Wassap' or the even more abbreviated variation 'Sup?'...I consider this greeting as one of the most rhetorical thought provoking question of sorts (right after 'What is Life?' and 'What is enlightenment?' and quite above most other questions as the quintessential 'Do I look fat?). It is often subject to many inane retorts as 'erm...nothing much' to the very clichéd and much annoying 'the sky is up'...however the point of the matter is that quite a few things have been 'up' recently....a lot of scams have surfaced since my last blog entry (none of which made me any money)...New Year and Christmas were quite sober for most of the city..and that brings us to the topic of the blog- the Flavour of the Season--- no it wasnt rum soaked cakes....not even walnut cakes....not even marshmallows or was surprisingly (and this is a tear jerking moment) - Onions!! Never has this vegetable been the celebrated talk of the town...and this time the entire nation as well...the one thing that consistently going 'up' were the onion prices. Among other things, the north is still snow covered and people still shivering for news about blog is news enough for now...more this space..