Monday, September 15, 2008

A Road Less Travelled.....

I just finished reading an article in the paper today. It was certainly one that did touch my heart and made me think. The article was about a guy who topped the class in IIT Kanpur (which is no small feat) and yet gave up all the offers that could have put him on the road to millions and chose to dedicate his life for a social cause. Now he teaches computer science to the poor n needy. I probably cannot reach that scale of dedication. The only thing i could learn from the whole article is that satisfaction can never be materialistic. This guy was the Topper of one of the most prestigious institutions in the country and even did his doctrate from there. Yet he decides to give it all up to take up something that will not earn him any money......but the one thing that he has definitely earned which we cant ever earn is the best job satisfation in the world.

I maynever reach that part either professionally but then i write this entry as a tribute to that guy and others who have broken the trends and have earned a pure form of respect from peers. A friend's status line comes to mind....'When every head bowed........' This was worth the mention in the blog and im happy that something like this came by that gave me yet another reason to write an entry. As far as my observations go, i have seen that the most respected of people are ones that havent been materialistically motivated... Baba Amte is another worthy mention.....Even in my profession field, the man known as the father of modern architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright, hasnt been well off financially. He has been on the verge of bankrupcy time and again. His life and work, Taleising West, had been burnt to the ground not once but twice. Yet he is the most noted of architects in the world. World shall bear a testament to such people and to the very least, my respect as well.....

Now you may ask if i would follow that same path....The answer is a bit murky for now...but yea i might never reach the answer may pretty well be summed in 2 words-----Hell No!! (that was a joke by the way......duh.......I still havent found the answer....seriously!!)