Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Ode in prose....

Yeah! I know the title for the entry sounds pretty weird but then i cant actually write an ode since it essentially has to be poetic to an exalting value. I suck at poems (no point hiding that...i couldnt compose one to save myself from a horde of drunken heretics trying to mutilate me...) But then again i had promised a very close friend of mine that i would compose an ode to her. The whole thing started when she shared a personal stuff she had written and asked for comments on the way it was written. Now, when someone as close as her asks me for a feedback i cant just give her a normal one can i? here i am writing this entry that is dedicated to her and her writing..

It was a personal familial kinda stuff that she had written, so i wouldnt comment on the content. But for one thing it was a very very very long letter with the minutest detail thrown in. yet as far as informal stuff goes, it was one of the best that i have read in ages. Its great not because of the way its written but because what she wrote opened a window to her mind at that time. It also gave me an idea of what pre marriage activities are gonna be like. So there you have it---- a short review of a long letter....all in all a very nice one and a good read.

But apart from what the letter meant, what i really would wanna point out is that she found me worthy enough to read a personal letter of hers. That i truly appreciate and love. That action or emotion meant much more to me than the point of givin a review for the letter. I am honored. What more can i say?....I am blessed with great friends....better than the best (and a few very cute ones know who you are). You guys are a part of my legacy, my world. So i hope you enjoy the ride...

More stuff later.......till then Adios Amigos!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A fish called Phelps...

The Olympic games is on and there is one man that is on a blaze of glory. This guy is none other than Michael Phelps from the United States. He has won a total of 13 golds in the Olympics till date of which 8 are from this season itself. He is now the greatest Olympian in history and is at par with Mark Spitz for winning the most golds in one season... He has nailed all the events that he has competed in so far n has come with golds in all of them. He has one more event to go and winning that will make him the unsurpassed champion of the water. Otherwise he will be at par with Spitz. He is making history anyway.
It is sheer pleasure to watch the guy swim. He has the agility of a fish. He is unbelievably lean and toned with a greater arm span than others that help him cover greater distances with lower strokes. He has some anatomical uniqueness too. His body creates lesser lactic acid which helps him swim longer without getting fatigued. He can keep swimming for a longer time even to the extent where other pro swimmers would cringe with pain.
And to think that this guy suffered from Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) due to which he couldn't concentrate at school. His teacher even told his mum that 'Your boy is not fact he does not have a gift....he will never be able to do anything great'
That teacher must sure be embarrassed now. Way to go Phelps.....Way to go!!


This blog entry is deliberately titled 'Untitled....' (talk about irony!!!).. This entry is dedicated to all who have waited patiently (and impatiently) for me to update my blog. My personal apologies to my regular readers for not having written a word for the last few months. Nothing much has changed since the last time I wrote. I am still pretty much what I was then (except maybe older & more edgy) Otherwise its more or less the same. Currently enjoying a long i'm pretty much laid back n chilled out, watching some great movies and some TV series. Its been raining quite a bit out here.
On a more global note, India has won its first ever individual Olympic Gold. Very much a reason for us to celebrate as also a reminder that we can get to the very top if we just make up our mind... I doubt whether this win will remain in our sentiments. We all are quite forgetful when it comes to such stuff. Sure there will be much fanfare and the dedication of all the trophies in the history of India to the guy who won the gold ...... he is bound to get a lot of cash prizes (at last count---4 crores)....but there is one thing that is not talked as much about the win.. The fact still remains that the guy is from an affluent family with training from the best that his money could afford. The guy has his own firm back home and it seems that his father was so happy about his win that he gave him a 200 crore worth hotel as a gift!! can u beat that....n he is much sought after these days with people willing to sponsor him n stuff n give him bharat ratnas. But c'mon guys, is this what it is worth?...Agreed that the guy gave his best and got his dues.... he rightfully deserved it and he made the nation proud. this is coupled with the fact that he has made history and nobody can erase that. But we really need to chill on all the flow of awards n stuff to him. He did what he had to. There are many in this country that can make us proud but they fail jjust cos they do not have the means to achieve it or there isnt proper funding to train them. Spare a thought for the other sportsmen, we should be trying to help them develop n be the best in their field. Hope the authorities get their facts straight n the priorities right.....
Nothing much happening otherwise....will post more when i get more to write on...till then....Adios!!

The Cost of Freedom.....

The entire nation celebrated the 61st Independence Day. This was ofcourse among critical and disturbing times, with the recent tumoil about the govt. that will rule the country and the crisis that has struck our beautiful country. How free are we? What exactly is the measure of our freedom? Can we be truly free? Can anyone be truly free? To me, freedom is a concept that we always strive or yearn to achieve. It is as much existant as it is might be a bit difficult to completely comprehend the meaning of that statement. It just plainly means that we are only as free as we think we are. We are simply celebrating the country's independence from a governing external entity (to me we are not free just yet)....We are very much a captive of greed, power and fanaticism as we were a hundred years back.

What is the point of all this bombings in the country?..... what point is it to kill masses of innocent people?... Where do we reach from here?....why fight within the nation?........why fight in the first place?.....People need to think about what they want to have. Anyone with the fanatic idea of killing people as an indicator that they want to be free is very much the prisoner of his own demons till the end of eternity... I hope we as the present generation try to put an end to this mayhem and maybe for once truly grasp the whole meaning of being free...

To set your minds thinking about it, I part with the lines that Bono once said, 'We were amazed when 50 years ago we put the man on the moon......but now it is time to bring a greater change........It is now time to do something just as great....more like putting mankind back on earth'